Detailed Application Methods for the Certification Report

Common items

Documents issuedDiploma and Advanced Diploma Certification Report (Japanese and English)
Hardcopy or PDF
Note: Only the PDF version will be issued for applications from overseas. We will not ship the hardcopy version overseas.
Necessary documents for applicationCertificate of graduation
Fee8,000 yen per copy (tax not included)
Payment methodBank transfer to a designated financial institution or credit card
[Act on Specified Commercial Transactions]
Time required from application to deliveryAround ten business days
Sending a Certification ReportHardcopies of the certification report will be sent using a courier service in Japan.
PDF versions will be sent via email.

Application method

For Individuals That Obtained a Degree from a Professional Training College

Inform the professional training college where you are studying or graduated from that you wish to apply for an English-language diploma/advanced diploma certification report issued by Tosenkaku. Ask your professional training college about how to obtain the certification report, pay the associated fees and the like.

Note: Individual applications are accepted under special circumstances, such as if the school you graduated from has closed. Apply using the designated application form.

For Professional Training Colleges That Receive an Application from a Student

Download and complete the application, and email it as an attachment to
Tosenkaku will create a certification report and mail it to your school or a designated address.

Note: The certification report will be created based on the information on the application form, so make sure the information is correct.